Our Ministries

Protocol Ministry

Our mission is to help people experience Christ rather than man’s creation of religion, so they can grow strong in Christ and take the Christ experience to the world.

The Protocol team here at Leicester Disciples Ministry International is a dynamic and interesting department you can find yourself in the church. We are happy to do the routine protocol duties with-in the Church premises during services and meetings. We provide direct personal assistance to the visionary, local and visiting ministers of gospel. Our main duties among other things include precise timing of all church activities . Managing the church entrance, main sanctuary and the Bishops office for effective scrutiny and protection by Gods permissible grace. We also provide in-formation and actively involved in the organisation of all counselling schedules during service days. Recognising visiting ministers, VIPs, church guests, special guests and attending to them properly. We are in charge of compiling and invitation of guests in special programmes Making sure we procure and process travel documents of guests, transportation and accommodation arrangements for guests at all times. We also take care of logistics and formalities during special meetings. Security and the Health and safety of all are paramount to the operations our department.

Maintenance of law and order is of the essence with a growing congregation Co-ordination and control of car parking within and outside the church premises to ensure conformity with road and traffic regulation. Ensure that members’ parked cars are secure during church services. As much as possible, we also endeavour and ensure that any compromise of general security and safety of members is swiftly dealt with. We spend time educating ourselves and sharing amongst ourselves especially in training and skills, all our efforts and operations are based on the Ethics and foundations of the vision. Finally God watches over us especially because If the lord does not watch over a city, the watch-men watch in-vain. We love you all and ask that you please join us as we make Leicester DFMI a place for habitual worship.

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Disciples Fellowship Ministries International

Disciples Fellowship Ministries International

An international non-denominational evangelistic, Holy Ghost lead ministry.