Bereavement is one of the hardest experiences we go through in life and sooner or later it affects us all. It may come suddenly or at the end of long illness. We may experience a whole range of emotions ranging from sorrow, to despair, to guilt, or anger. Bereavement can be a time of questioning, of asking deep questions about death, about God, about our departed loved ones and about the life to come.
Bereavement is one of the hardest experiences we go through in life and sooner or later it affects us all. It may come suddenly or at the end of long illness. We may experience a whole range of emotions ranging from sorrow, to despair, to guilt, or anger. Bereavement can be a time of questioning, of asking deep questions about death, about God, about our departed loved ones and about the life to come.
We encourage all members to attend funeral programmes and help towards financial support, for Ecclesiastes 7 v 2 says, It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, for death is the destiny of everyone; the living should take this to heart. As Bereavement and Weddings Ministry we assist willing couples in planning their weddings, and also assist with their needs for the use of our church facilities. As a ministry we will assist with members needs for the use of our building, as well as needs for food and meal coordination. Finally, we as Bereavement and Weddings Ministry are committed to praying against premature deaths and by God grace having more weddings in DFM both locally and internationally. We are honoured to serve you to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you.