Our Ministries

Intercession Ministry

Ministry Purpose Statement:

The purpose of the DFMI Intercessory Ministry is to have continual, effectual, fervent prayer and intercession for our Visionary, Senior Pastor and Family, the church body, communities, cities, states, countries and the entire world.

Ministry Description:

The Prayer Ministry is a team of intercessors chosen by the Prayer Ministry Director. This ministry conducts weekly prayer meetings; organizes fasting and prayer for the Prayer Ministry and the church body. The Prayer Ministry team activities include unyielding involvement in various prayer and fasting programmes, promptly responding to urgent prayer requests, coordinating and leading overnight prayer events.


Our mission is to help people experience Christ rather than man’s creation of religion, so they can grow strong in Christ and take the Christ experience to the world. This group of prayer warriors is made up of men and women who call upon the name of the Lord continuously and stand in the gap for saints in and out DFM. They pray and fast for individuals, families, ministries, leaders of different countries and for any spiritual battles launched by the devil. Nothing can withstand prayer. God has answered prayers.

DFMI intercessory team programmes

  • Fast and pray every Thursday
  • Hold 24 hr prayer chains twice a week.
  • Prayer watches-at least 2 intercessors pray and fast for the ministry every day 24/7 -365 days per year.
  • Pray and fast before and during major DFMI conferences.

Colossians 1:9

For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives.